How to prevent photovoltaic roof from leaking? Feb 29, 2024

More and more users are installing photovoltaic power stations.

When it comes to power stations/lithium batteries for solar panels, preventing water leakage is a top priority for factories. If the factory building is used as a photovoltaic power station,

how should it be waterproofed? Or what should I do if the photovoltaic roof leaks?

Causes of roof leakage

Under normal circumstances, the initial investment in installing a photovoltaic power station is not small. If water leaks occur and the photovoltaic

is dismantled and waterproofed again, the loss can be imagined.

The main causes of roof leakage are as follows:

1. When installing photovoltaic brackets on concrete flat roofs or villa concrete slope roofs, use embedded bolts, expansion bolts or

chemical anchor bolts to fix and install the photovoltaic brackets, which will destroy the original waterproof layer and cause rain leakage;

2. Because the roof color steel plates are exposed to the outside for a long time, they will rust, age, and leak.

How to prevent when installing photovoltaic system(lithium batteries for solar panels)?

When waterproofing the roof, we must adhere to the principle of "it should be directed rather than blocked" to ensure that

the water can flow away smoothly when heavy rain accumulates, and the roof does not leak.

During the installation process of photovoltaic brackets, make sure that the bracket base is not arranged perpendicular to the drainage direction and does not hinder the drainage of roof rainwater.

When placing the bracket base directly on the existing roof during construction, ensure that the base is placed stably and neatly,

and measures need to be taken to fix it to avoid overturning, slipping, etc., and to avoid conflicts between the base and the roof structure. The cascading relationship ensures the safety of the structure.

In addition, try to avoid drilling holes in the roof. When drilling holes in the roof or the concrete slope roof of the villa, you must first determine the thickness of the perforated roof.

In order to avoid damage to the roof by drilling, pouring is usually done on it. A certain thickness of concrete layer is used to fix the bracket using chemical anchor bolts after curing.

In summary, waterproofing is the key to doing photovoltaics. Therefore, when installing photovoltaics, you must find a reliable and experienced installer. A reliable installer can control the waterproofing to have the same lifespan as the photovoltaic,so that the photovoltaic power station can play its full role. produce the greatest effect.

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